The Going Steady Anniversary

On Monday, Sept. 05, 2005 @ 5:20 AM

SIX years ago, on September 3rd, 1999, my husband and I started dating. We were seniors in high school, and really young and niave! HAHA. Kidding. But we thought we knew it all. It's just so weird to be married to him now, and have his child! I mean, I never thought six years ago that this would end up like it has. But it has!

I remember the first date, the first kiss, the first time we said "I love you" the first time we "you know", everything. And even through all that, I didn't think we'd end up together. But we have. And we've been through, a bunch of shit too. Bad shit, some good shit. But we're still together. For six years! We didn't make a big fuss over it. After all it's just our "dating" anniversary. Not our wedding anniversary, that's the important one right?

Well, not much to say this morning. I'm tired, but I've been to bed like three times and can't really sleep. I keep waking up. So I thought I'd type a bit.

The good news out of New Orleans has made me feel better. I know they have such a long way to go, but at least things are better there.

I have totally spent this long weekend on my computer. Playing nothing but Pogo, and watching DVDs on my portable DVD player that sits right here on my desk. I love it!

Not so good news. We've decided to give our dog, Bubba away. We've had him for two months, and I know that he's still a pup, but he's causing some great deal of trouble. First, he bites the hell outta Kailee. They will play, but he'll like pin her down and snap on her. I don't really know if he means to, but if he seriously hurts her, he'll be a dead dog anyway, if not by my hsuband, the by the Military Police here on base. They don't tolirate animals hurting kids. Secondly, he has ripped three itmes of clothing. Again, trying to bite her. And he's tore up our back yard. BAD! He's dug so many holes out there we don't know which are from the whistle pigs or him. It's reall bad. And we could very well get written up by base housing for this. (Remember we live on a military base, and they are strict, we have yard inspections once a WEEK! yea, it's that bad. So anyway, we need to give him away. We're looking for a home for him now.

Lastly, there is THIS LITTLE THING. And remember if you need the password and username, just shoot me an email or a comment, and I'll give it to ya! Because I love everyone here, I have NO problem at all! Well, have such a great Monday, and I'll be back tomorrow!

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