I have another job so the hell with SnottyGirl

On Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2005 @ 2:59 AM

I got a new job! YEP YEP YEP! Wow, how lucky am I in just one week scoring two jobs. Granted they are not the best job ever. They pay little on the pay scale and are part time, but hell, living here that's a big deal, and hell, it's more money that we got right now. Anything helps right now.

So check it out....

So as reported in my previous entry, I am not getting the Tuesdays and Fridays that I was offered, and I've been cut back to only the weekends. Well, I was just so pissed, and just pissed enough to say something about how I felt I was being shaded about the whole deal. I go in to get my paycheck and I tell the girl, listen, "I know that you guys want 4 girls working, I know that this is a part time job, and I know what I was told too." And I said this very nicely. The girl tells me the spill. Bla bla bla, nothing against you, bla bla bla. Okay whatever that is fine. I just offer up my services again. Say that I'm willing to work as much as needed.

But there is a problem with this weekend. See, there is this airshow coming to town. It comes every OTHER year, and it's a big deal. Jets come from all over and put on this two day show. It's this coming weekend. And the problem is my husband has to work security for the show. And ack! I am supposed to work the weekend at the shop. And trust me, it's near impossible to find babysitting on the weekends here, I suppose it will be like finding gold the weekend of the airshow! So, I very nicely explain the whole situation to her. She cops an attitude right off the bat! OMG! I tell her look there is nothing I can do. She says I'm supposed to give a 7 day notice. Okay, well that is understandable, but when did you ever tell me that? And the second thing, I WOULD HAVE IF I COULD HAVE. I just found out about this today! I tell her this, and she says she doesn't care, she's writing me up for it, and after three write ups I'm fired. WTF????

Her attitude just set me off. I was so TIRED of being walked all over by this chic. Who the hell did she think she was? I'm fucking an adult to God Damnit and I deserve some fucking respect. I told her this. I said that I did not appreciate her tone and that I would do what I could about this weekend. She didn't understand what was wrong with me? What was WRONG WITH ME? So I then told her, she's treating me like I'm some teenage punk kid that doesn't do my job. Hello? I worked my ass off, and they even told me that couldn't find ONE THING wrong with my work over the weekend! SO THERE HA! I wasn't late, I didn't do anything wrong, I cleaned up every nook and cranny in that place, and even did things that I wasn't asked or told to do! So what the fuck was the problem that she had with me? Well I'll tell you what it is, she doesn't like the fact that they actually have someone working there worth a damn, and that I actually can do my job well, so they have nothing to bitch about. Seriously, all they do is bitch about the people that used to work there, so I'm sure they are just itching to find something wrong with me, and when I didn't deliver, well, this girl just picked a fight with me.

So in the end, she told me she was sorry, and I accepted. And I said I was sorry about this weekend and bla bla bla. But it was out of my control, so I guess I'd have to take the write up. But I was willing to come in one day on my day off, or switch with someone or something. I was willing to do whatever it took, but there was no way I could get out of this becuase my husband's duty comes first. You know?

Anyway, so we said we'd figure the whole deal out. So I went over to the Moxie Java stand in the BX. Oh, let me explain how the BX things are for those that aren't military and don't know. They are like little malls on bases. We have a huge department store that is like JC Pennys or Sears, more like Sears because they sell everything from clothes, jewelry, garden stuff, lawnmowers, to electronics to shoes, to CDs, to toys. And they also have stuff like you find at walmart, decor, cosmetics, diapers, and even some food. But anyway, so this store is HUGE, and it's all name brand stuff, and it's real cheap there, everything is at wholesale cost, so they don't make money off of it, and it's all TAX FREE. That's the best part. Then there is the mall part. There is a small food court, and other little shops. We have a thrifty car rental thing, and some people set up to sell special stuff on carts, and this is also where the florist that I work at is, and then of course a Moxie Java stand. So anyway, I go over to the Moxie stand, and talk to the owner about his position open. He says when can you start and do you have any kind of experience? I say no, but I used to be a bartender. He says alright then, can you train tomorrow? I SAY YES! He says ok, the position is for Tuesday through Friday, so four days a week Noon till closing. AWESOME! That is great, I'll take it, and he hires me. So I start tomorrow, which is actually today now.

SO now for my problem. If I work Tuesday through Friday for the Moxie, and Sat and Sun for the Flower Shop, when are my days off? MONDAY. That's it. That is just not enough time with my baby girl, and to clean house and what not. SO damnit! What do I do? I think I'm going to quit the flower shop. I will give a two week notice. But I will wait till the end of my training this week to decide on that. I want to make 100% sure that this Moxie thing will work out. And the babysitter can keep Kailee those days with no problem. And it's only four hours a day because the husband will pick her up when he gets off. I think this sounds much better than the Flower Shop, and I know the owner of Moxie, he's so nice, he's an older man, and he doesn't have drama, and he's not shady! He tells me straight up what to expect! I like that.

So, there ya go. I have another job so the hell with SnottyGirl and on with the coffee! GOD, I LOVE COFFEE!!!!

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