Busy and Sick

On Monday, Sept. 19, 2005 @ 8:18 PM

Hello! I've been away for a few. I promise to get around to reading everyone's journal and posting my comments. I've just been incrediably busy and sick since last week.

I finished up training at the Moxie Java last week. I LOVE IT. Tomorrow I start my first day by myself at Moxie. I'm sure I'll do fine. I seemed to have caught on to everything pretty quickly. Afterall it's not rocket science it's making coffee for goodness sakes.

Saturday I had to work the Flower Shop. I have yet to give them my notice. I don't know why I'm lingering on this. I guess because I really enjoy working there. I don't know I enjoy it either. But I do. I love the flowers and stuff. But I just can't keep up this crazy work shedule. Yesterday was my first day off in over a week. My house is a disaster, my laundry DESPERATELY needs to be washed, folded, and put away, becuase it's becoming "Mt. WASH ME" again. And I vowed to never let it return to that. I was looking forward to my only day off this week which was yesterday.

The Bi-annual Airshow came this weekend too. It's the only time EVER that civilians are allowed on this base without a reason. I guess they actually do have a reason, which is to see the show.

Friday morning Kailee woke up sick like. I thought it was just allergies and I prayed that it wasn't a cold or infection. I pumped her full of meds and went to work. She was fine all day. Friday night we went to the kickoff party for the Airshow which was just for us military peoples. It was okay I guess. After a very long day at work, I was not up for it, mainly because my feet were killing me, because I have crappy shoes. But I went anyway, and it wasn't all that bad.

Then early in the morning Saturday morning, around 4:00 AM to be exact, I woke up to something icky in my bed, it was Kailee and her throw up. She had puked in her sleep. Thank goodness she was sleeping with us, otherwise she'd slept in it till the morning. We got her up and cleaned her up and the bed up. Then laid back down and couldn't go to sleep, so we stayed up for a while, and finally just got up and headed to work. Saturday night we went to Boise. I needed to pants for working in, and we went out to eat. It was nice to get out for a while. Kailee was doing much better after puking all morning. Kids bounce back from those things so quickly.

Then yesterday, my only day off, we headed to the Airshow. We saw the Thunderbirds, which are the Air Force's show jets. It was really neat. But when we got home the husband wasn't doing so well, and neither was I. I fell asleep and when I woke up he was getting sick and throwing up his self. He had the stomach flu. I just knew mine was coming. And I can't do stomach sickness. All night I felt it coming, but I finally passed out and slept through the night, no throwing up but I had a lot of congestion and coughing. And I felt feverish. So I went to the hospital for good measure. Better to knock it out now before it turns into something worse. The doctor did a chest xray and determined that fluid was building up, and gave me three breathing treatments. God I hate being sick. I also did actually have a fever, so I had to call out of work, which I hate doing.

I came home and slept all afternoon.

This working thing sucks, I mean it's not that bad, but I have not gotten anything done for the last week. Like I said my house is a mess, and my laundry needs to be done. I haven't gone grocery shopping in I don't know how long. I'm not sure how we managed to surrive! HAHA. But hopefully tomorrow I'll be doing better. I feel somewhat better. Just weak. I'm gonna hit the hay early though so I can get up in time to make sure I feel like going into work.

Well, that's all for now folks. Just sickness and ickiness around here.

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