Cleaning woes of life

On Friday, Oct. 21, 2005 @ 1:21 AM

Happy Halloween!!!

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Well, I'm one excited to see that all my Dland pals are having fun at JornalCon and shacking up with PoolaGirl, but I'm also jealous. I had intended to save up for that trip, after all it's NOT that far from me, HOWEVER, I had to go and quit childcare and become broke and poor again. Oh. Well. Life must go on. But I am still glad to see that everyone down there seems to be having a blast!

On a second note. I can't seem to find enough hours in my days. I have been working on cleaning my house and folding "Mt. Fold" me for about two weeks now. It's not happening quick enough. And as soon as I clean up one mess, another starts. It is really starting to irratate me, all the junk and mess everyone. Sometimes I just want to throw everything away. Everything. But I threw enough old stuff away this past weekend when I cleaned the garage out. Anyway, can we say BORING!? Onto another topic please.

This topic being that I'm still having the "sneezy sneezies" as my wonderful daughter puts it. And for those that don't know Kailee's four year old language, I'll say the crud, attack of the sinsus, ect. I think you get the hint. The good news, the sore throat has receeded, the bad news, my voice just isn't that up to par. The other good news is that my head didn't feel as if it were on fire today, but the other bad news is that my nose won't stop dripping. And seeing that I have to work the haunted house this weekend, and that my character has to scream a number of FOUR times, I think my voice will only deteriote. I do belive I'll be having a LOT of HOT green tea this weekend.

Another good thing, the time for my Yard Sale has finally approached. It's so nice to get junk out of my house. Junk that I know I just didn't need to be having lying around everywhere. I'm totally excited! I look forward to people PAYING me to get rid of junk. It's nice. Hey, don't think ill of me, I paid a LOT of money for a lot of that junk, and I see it only fit to have someone pay a quarter of what I ddi to get rid of it. Isn't that how Yard Sales tend to work? HEHE. The husband is pleased with the progress of "De-Junking" our house too. He seems to enjoy the new spacious and neat garage that we have. Probably because he can now bang on his drums again without bumping his big toe on an old tricycle.

Well, anyway. I just hit the back button on accident and almost lost this ENTIRE entry. I don't feel like retyping. So I'm off now. I better hit submit before I lose it. I'm so freaking tired. I can't believe I'm still up and not a zombie yet. Yes, life has gotten this bad for me. Oh woe is me. Really, I need to get over myself. But sometimes it's hard when you just don't have a free minute in the day to enjoy the simple things that I used to so much enjoy. I miss the nights of watching bad TV and playing Pogo while I chatted with my so many online and DLand friends. Grrrr, real life is hard. But oh well. I'll deal. I enjoy the extra money.

Okay, my washer just stopped time to switch the clothes out. Have a good one everyone. Oh, and since it's techinically Friday, and I've missed the last two Friday Fives, I'm gonna do it now. And better yet, today's is up already! Yay! Enjoy everyone.

Friday Five Don't Fall For It

1. What do you like or dislike about autumn? There are so many things I LOVE about Autumn. I love the change in seasons, that smell in the air when you just KNOW summer is over. Football! The colors of Fall Foiliage. Which I don't get to see here in crappy desert Idaho. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and of course what it all leads up to, Christmas. The cooking, the family time, the start of that Christmas season. It all makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Oh yea, and what I DISlike is the weird weather though. I always get sick like right now. Hehe. It's all worth it though.

2. Have you raked leaves into a pile just to jump in them? Of course! But I was a kid then.

3. Have you ever carved a pumpkin and how did it turn out? Yes many of times. And they always turn out ugly. Even the little itty bitty ones that are like the size of your hand. Yes I tried to carve those, because I suck at the big ones, and they alwasy turn out ugly. Just. Ugly.

4. Have you ever eaten anything made from pumpkins other than pie? Yes, I think so, although I can't remember what. Does Pumpkin Seeds count?

5. Where is a good spot to see the leaves change color where you live? Here in Idaho, no fucking clue. But back home in the good ole' land of Tennessee, where there are many places. But one of the best places is along the interstate. You can see the rolling hills covered in trees and everyone one of them is a natural shade of the fall. Just lovely.

And here is another one I missed, just for the fun of it.

1. How long have you had your LiveJournal/blog? Umm, One year and 2 months. Or something like that.

2. What do you consider to be the main purpose of your LiveJournal/blog?

I don't know really. I started because I was bored and was introduced to it by a friend. But I decided I loved writing about my days and my stupid complains and small triumphs. And I really love reading others stuff too. Now, it's just a way to express how I'm feeling. I feel I do it better by writing it out.

3. If you could change something about your personal blogging style, what would it be? I don't know really. I'd like to be more humerous. And to be able to tell a good tale like other people do. And I'd like to know how to design my template myself damnit!

4. What are your criteria for adding someone to your friends list/blog roll? I don't really have a lot of criteria. One rule is, if they visit my site and comment, I'll at LEAST check them out. And if they add me to thier list, then I will do them the same favor. But otherwise, it's just if I like what I see and you make me laugh, cry, or whatever, I add ya. I love all my Dland buddies, and I"m always looking for more.

5. Name one thing that you've never before written about in your LJ/blog. Funny question. Sex. I've never written about sex. HAHA!

One last thing before I go.....

Your death will be from a broken heart...Most
likely because you fell in love with someone
you loved more then yourself or because your
not loved at all. You will die from just giving
up on life itself...not eatimg, not talking,
not doing anything. You will most likely die
alone in your house with nothing but the
picture of the one you love in your arms...

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
brought to you by Quizilla

A little morbid I know, but just for fun! Don't get all upset on me Mom.

Night everyone!

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