Have a Yummy Thanksgiving

On Friday, Dec. 23, 2005 @ 1:50 PM

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Well I know I have been a horrid Diarylander right now. I'm really busy though, in my defense.

Here are some updates...

I decided to quit my job. After careful consideration and talking with my husband, we decided that it would be best to stay at home once agian. So, when I return from my trip home to Tennessee next month, I'll once more be at Stay at home Mommie! I'm actually looking forward to it. Don't hate me.

I've been going to the gym and have now lost 10 pounds! Yes, I am very proud of myself. I don't feel bad for feeling proud. My weight is something I struggle with, while I'm not obese, I still struggle with my weight, and when I look at the scale and see I've lost 10 pounds in the last two weeks, I want to be proud that I did so. I will continue the hard working I'm doing, if this is the reward I get!

Thanksgiving dinner at my house has turned into a huge gathering of people I know and don't know. I'm really nervous, the count as of now is up to 12-14 give or take those few that "might" or "might not" come. I've got a Turkey thawing, and loads of stuff to get cooking once I'm done here! I'm really stressing out. I figure by midnight tonight, I'll be so stressed, I won't know where I am anymore. Wish me luck, I've never cooked for this many people before.

Last week, I took Kailee and we went to see the new Harry Potter movie. I'm a HUGE fan of Harry Potter. I have read every book out! I loved the movie, but was a little dissapointed at some of the things left out and that were rushed. Although I understand, it was a book that was well over 7 pages that had to be cut down to a 2 and a half hour movie. So they had to do what they had to do, and in the end it was still a really good movie. But it's so hard to have read a book about something and then go and see the movie without coming out of there dissapointed. Case and point...White Oleander, or The Firm, or Series of Unfortunate Events! All GREAT books and great stories, and pretty good movies, with a lot of dissapointing aspects.

Moving on...there is now only 16 days until I GO HOME! I'm super excited about this trip home. I can't wait to see my Mom and the rest of my very large family. I have to be honest though, I really just can't wait to hug my Mother! I miss her so much, and it's getting that time a year again where I just get sad that I'm not there with her. But I will be soon! So I'm not too upset that I won't be with her this Thanksgiving.

So that just about sums it up. Life is pretty much same old shit, different day. Clean house, go to work, go to gym, clean house again, spend some time with Kailee and get to bed. Nothing exciting as usual! Haha. So I better get to cooking for tomorrow.

Here is wishing everyone a wonderful, safe, happy, and YUMMY Thanksgiving! I love all of my readers, and one thing I am thankful for is to have made such GREAT friends on here!

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