I do not like it and I do not care if you did or do or whatever

On Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 @ 1:57 PM

Yesterday only got worse before it got better. I puked up my lunch, which SUCKED b/c it was so good! And my dinner! I finally gave in and took a phengren like the nurse told me I could in fact do, and went to sleep for 12 hours. And I still don't feel any better today.

Have I mentioned the constant gagging? It's gross.

Sorry, I hate to be a real baby about this, but seriously, how much more do I have to take? I've been puking and gagging and hacking for about a month now! Can it please just be done, so I can enjoy pregnancy?!!!

You know what I hate? I hate those women that go "Oh, I never got sick once with my pregnancy(ies)". "They all went great!" "I LOVED BEING PREGNANT!" Well. Screw. You.

(Except the ones that are my friends, I'll forgive you for enjoying your pregnancy.)

Anyhow moving on. There's nothing to talk about. SO I DID THIS!....it's a Quiz, ABOUT ME....WHICH YOU TAKE! Please take it! It's fun and easy, and your results will go on this nifty little scoreboard displayed proudly! And it's fun...did I mention and easy! You'll like it!......All you have to do is go to this handy link....


Take the test...now it will ask you to set up an account. But it doesn't ask for anything except an email and your name. It's real quick and simple. SO JUST GO AHEAD AND DO IT DAMNIT!!!
Now I'm going to lie down and try to stop the gagging. :(

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