Seven hours of fun

On Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2007 @ 5:31 PM

What's going on today:

Well let's I slept most of the day away. Why you ask when it's so beautiful outside? Well because. I'm pregnant. And that means I throw up a lot and feel like shit. Actually yesterday I was throwing up. A LOT. And I was on the toilet or over the toilet like every half hour. So around 4PM I called the Husband from work to take me to the ER seeing as I had successfully puked up every small bite of food I managed to get down my throat, even water. I felt weak, dizzy, and just plain sick. My biggest worry was getting dehydrated. Because that causes miscarriages. My other worry was just that something just wasn't right.

So we drove to the army hospital...which is a good 30 minutes through traffic. If there were no traffic, it would have taken all of 10 minutes. Ugh, that's another bitch for another beautifuly day. So once we arrived at the said Army hospital where I am forced to go, we were informed it would be about 4 hours before I would be seen. Fucking. Great. And no thanks. We then get in the car and make the trip across town to the Air Force Academy hospital...where hopefully the wait wouldn't be as bad. Plus I tend to trust the Air Force a little more than the Army. Just a thing.

We arrive there, and I stand in line at the receptionist desk behind some douche bag that is so not sick, but has a million questions about something going on in his ear. The nurse kept telling him that he could either be seen or not, but he needed to decide, and after about 10 minutes of this, he finally decides he does in fact want to be seen about something going on in his ear. Even though it's not that bad. Fucking. Great. So we are then informed it will be about 2 hours before I can be seen, but to please have a seat. Not as bad as the army hospital, but still not ideal.

I then wait for THREE HOURS before I'm taken to a room. During this time, I have went to the toilet to either puke or use it about three times. And my appetite suddenly appears on the scene wanting food. Also, the Husband and Kailee even went out for dinner and returned! And all that was on the TV was fucking FOX news, where all they did was talk about fucking Anna Nicole Smith. FOR THREE HOURS! I seriously don't give a shit about her and her estate or whatever it is they are fighting over. And seriously, how lame of FOX news to talk about it for THREE HOURS when there are a million other things going on in the world right now. How lame. Just a reminder why I don't watch FOX news and I stick to CNN.

Anyhow, so I'm taken to a room, told the doc would be in soon. ANOTHER HOUR passes by. STILL NO DOC. Now it has been FOUR hours and I have not been seen, so I start to dress and decide I'm leaving, when ahhhhh the doc comes walking in. Well. Nice of you to show up. He then immediately decides that I am dehydrated, and could possibly have a virus. Orders test, IV fluids, medicatons, the whole works. Wow suddenly they give a dman about me. His main concern was the dehydration making me lose the baby. Well duh, so was mine.

After another THREE hours of tests, needles, IV fluids, papsmears, ultrasounds (Kailee got to see the baby, which was neat for her, more on that in a sec), they decide that I am now hydrated, and since my appetite is back, that shows that I'm making some progress, and they send me on my way with some meds for the puking, and stuff like that.

I have to give it to the doc. He seemed to care, which I was thankful for. But FOUR hours just to be seen, rediculous! Finally seven hours later, we were on our way home and I had the worst craving for a McDonald's Chicken Sandwhich. CHICKEN? REALLY? Lately all poultry especially CHICKEN has made me sick. But if I wanted it, then I must need it. So I ate it. And I felt better. And I didn't puke it. That was nice.

So in conclusion...
It wasn't a fun night, mostly for my husband who did have to work all day, and was forced to be up till 1AM, and still go back to work the next morning. I felt horrible for him. Kailee got to see the baby though. She thought that was really neat...she did say it was tiny. And ask how that could be a baby. My thoughts exactly the first time I seen an ultrasound! HA! But I'm just glad it's over with. HOpefully for good. I have these pills that so far today have worked wonders at keeping me from puking. And well, once those run out, I will sit in my OB's office until he gives me some more. I demand it. I am not going to go through the next 7 months this way. I want to live my life, and more importantly take care of my family....which I can't do leaned over the toilet and in bed all fucking day.

So I guess that's all. I'm glad to have a day where I feel somewhat decent. I even got some damn housework done, and spent some much needed time playing with Kailee, and that made the world to her. I think she has started to believe Mommie no longer cares about her, which is farthest from the truth, I just feel so damn bad that all I wanna do is lay in bed. Hopefully she's mature enough to understand that. I'm just blessed that she's such a good kid. She really is. She dresses herself for school, and does everything for herself except cook a damn steak....I couldn't have asked for a better girl.

Well that'll do it for today.

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