Five cars really

On Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 @ 12:36 PM

I got through yesterday withOUT puking!!! YIPEE! I'm so happy about that. And as for today, so far so good!!

So have I mentioned my obnoxious(sp?) neighbor? Well if I haven't, then I better. First of all, his house is a real ugly moth color. Obviously the wifey picked that out. Next, he has FIVE CARS! I do not lie! He's retired Air Force, I guess he was a General or something, b/c no way could he EVER afford 5 cars if he wasn't. Unless he stole them, which is a possibility. Anywho, he has FIVE cars. 2 Ford pickup trucks. Both in the same bright blue. Both look exactly the same. I have no idea why he has TWO of them. Whatever. Then he has a Cadilliac. I'd say it's from the late 90's. It's pretty nice looking. Of course he washes all his cars about 48 times a week and waxes the hell outta them. So if I did that, my car would look sweet ass too. And then he was an old corvette. Which he keeps parked in the garage, when he's not in it working or watching sporting events. And the last gar is a Lincoln towncar. Now tell me, why in the HELL would ANYBODY need FIVE cars? I can understand the old Corvette. I can understand having one for each spouse. But after that, why do you need FIVE FUCKING CARS? Two of which are always parked on the street, b/c where else could he put them. It's just weird to me. And here is my BIGGEST pet-peeve about him. Since he is RETIRED, and DOES NOT work, any day that it's NOT snowing, he's outside with his garage door wide open, all the cars pulled out and walking around looking like he's doing some sort of important business, all the while he's blaring his fucking stereo out of his garage at full blast! And the music always varies. One day it was gangster rap, where every other word was F*** and P**sy. I'm NOT kidding. Then about an hour later it was Barry White, which I think is his favorite. He plays Barry quite often. Then one day it was ZZ TOP! And then another it was Luther Vandross followed by some gospel music, and then another day I kid you not he was listening to country. AND THIS is why I find him obnoxious. When I took Kailee to school, he has his gangster rap going. It's just annoying.

Added around 6PM

Well I decided instead of two entries to just add to this one. It was kinda bland anyway. Here is why I decided to add to this entry, because I needed to vent a little......

See around 3PM today I recieved this email, from another D-land user, who's name I won't give out. This came as a complete shock to on...

Dear Thirdeye7601:
I am writing you in an attempt to get you to STOP reading and commenting on my diary. First of all, I do NOT know you. I do remember you commenting months ago, and now you are back commenting EVERY day. I'm trying to be mature and nice about this.
I do not wish for people I do not know to read my diary everyday, nor do I wish for them to comment on my life, as if they know what I am going through on a day to day basis. There are plenty of people that read my diary, that have been for years, and never stopped. I do not know what makes you think you can just disappear for months, and then come back thinking you know me again, and can give me your two cents.
Next, you are VERY young. Almost HALF my age! I do not think you are in any position to give ME advice, considering how much older I am than you. What do you really know about life's problems at the age of 20-something? With only one child? That does not qualify you to render advice to me and give me your input on my daily stresses and life's worries. I do not take kindly to you running your mouth in my comments about how you've "been there", or "understand", when you couldn't possibly understand at such a young age.
Last, I have deleted your input on my life, and I ask again nicely could you please just stop. If I knew you better, I might take more kindly to what you have to say, but I don't know you at all, I don't even know how you found me on here. Suffice to say, please just butt out of my business and my diary.

Thank you and good day, XXXXXXXXXXX

Now. Then. I was floored! Honestly. I have NEVER, and I REPEAT NEVER been rude or unkind to someone on thier diary. And I'm back here what a week, and I'm already getting hatemail again!! WOWSA! What pisses me off most, is I have been reading this person's diary for about 2 years....I comment about once a week, except when I was AWOL, and she has NEVER returned the favor. I GUESS I see now why. But even still, I found her life fun and interesting to read about, and I've always been nice to her. AND if I've been commenting and reading her for that long, then you'd think she'd know me. Guess not. Here was my reply...

Well, I do apologize for "butting" in your life. I guess you don't remember that I have been commenting on your diary for about 2 years now. Maybe less, but still it has been a while. Not once did you return the favor, and that was FINE BY ME. Honestly. I never thought it bothered you that I read your diary, and commented. I thought that was the reason a person puts up a banner for thier diary so that many people will stop by and read and comment. MY APOLOGIES FOR EVER CLICKING ON THAT BANNER....seriously. And as for my age...I may only be "20-something", but I feel older than that, as you should know b/c you're pushing 50, age is just a number. Never mind the experiences and life achievements that I have made at a young age...just look at me as dumb and niave, like your children probably are, which is why you think I'm not qualified to leave input on your life. Either way, I won't stop by your page anymore and "bother" you with my understanding and input. And though I find your actions here very immature, I do thank you for not posting this in my comments for everyone to read. Good day to you.

So there. That's all I said, and I have not recieved a return email, nor do I care if I do or don't. Screw that woman. I thought it was nice, no matter who the person, to recieve comments and feedback on your daily long as they were pretty nice. I guess I was wrong. The lesson here, some people, no matter the age, NEVER GROW UP....I get that now.

And now I've decided to return to doing Unconscious Mutterings Because I enjoyed doing it, and well somedays I stretch for something to write about....hahaha, like the above article on my neighbor. Guess I'll start doing these every Monday or so. We'll see if I keep up to it! HAHA! Here's this week's.....

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Threshold ::
  2. A dream I once had, where I had to cross over one.
  3. Jason ::
  4. Friday the 13th....ugh.
  5. Suspicion ::
  6. I wonder where the Husband goes for lunch, now that he doesn't come home....hmmmm.
  7. Tender ::
  8. My nose, b/c I keep wiping it and blowing it.
  9. Tempted ::
  10. I'm tempted to go get a huge chocolate cake...I want it so bad!
  11. Crimson ::
  12. The color of my new template.
  13. Repulsive ::
  14. Right now, most all food is repulsive.
  15. Bulldog ::
  16. I don't like them....or most dogs for that matter.
  17. Garage ::
  18. Mine is finally clean!
  19. Racket ::
  20. Stupid neighbor and his stereo.

That's all. Enjoy your Thursday.

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