Nothing ado about a Wednesday

On Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007 @ 12:19 PM

I'm back to doing my picture of the day thing. I thought it was fun, and I've found a bunch of awesome pictures I just HAD to share with everyone. Today's picture is just for Poola

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Funny huh? I just had to post it.

Well I don't have much to talk about. There's the Geico/Bank thing, which is gonna get worked out. The Husband wants it done in like 20 minutes, I keep trying to tell him it'll take a bit of time. But he says they should have it fixed now, it's thier fault, bla bla bla. Hey I agree, but that's not the way things work.

My annoying neighbor has backed off his music playing, so today I actually got up and had a relaxing morning, without the annoyance of his rap music.

I went to wash my car from the egging I got the other night. The fucking egg yolk won't come off. Word to the wise people, if you break an egg, and it gets everywhere, don't let it dry. It'll never come up. It's like dried paint or some shit. One time, when Kailee was like 2, back when we first moved to Idaho, it was a weekend and so we were sleeping in. Kailee got up and snuck out of bed into the kitchen. She took a carton of eggs and broke them in various places on the carpet. She said it was because she wanted eggs for breakfast. I think she just wanted to play and get into stuff. But let me just say, the egg yolk never fully came out of the carpet. I scrubbed until my hands were raw, and it was still there. At least the color. So I'm a bit concerned about the hardened egg yolk on my car. It better fucking come off. Today I'm gonna try scrubbing it with those brushes at the car wash. We'll see what happens.

And in light of nothing else to talk about, because I'm dull and boring, I'm gonna do my Unconscious Mutterings for the week. You can do it too, just click the linky's mine....

  1. Soldier :: My Husband

  2. Lipton :: My Favorite Drink!

  3. Reason:: Because I've been drinking tea since I was in the womb probably.

  4. Terms :: Conditions

  5. Positive :: I'm trying to be

  6. Example :: for Kailee

  7. Legacy :: A Golf Course in Tennessee

  8. Solo :: Hans from Star Wars

  9. Instrument :: I play a couple

  10. Later :: I'll try to wash my car again

That'll do it for today. I'm off to play Pogo. Have a Wednesday.

Time Wasted Today: Looking a funny pictures

Pregnancy Issue: Still the constant gagging for no damn reason.

Kailee's Quote of the Day:"I HATE my hair I wanna go bald like Daddy." WOW...I hope she's not serious. And I didn't know Daddy was going bald?

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