Weather Talk

On Thursday, Mar. 01, 2007 @ 1:07 PM

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Good. HAHAHHAHA. That's great, I'll be so happy when all the snowmen die, and winter is over for good. Yea.

Ok so maybe I'm a little sick of the snow? But only because for the last 10 days we've had the best weather. It's been sunny, slightly warm, and pleasant. Then....yesterday....there was no snow in the forecast, but BAM! We get hit with a snow storm? I wanna know where the hell it came from. It was yesterday afternoon, I had just dropped Kailee off at school, the sun was shining and it seemed to be another one of those perfect days. I come in and do my diaryland stuff, and after completing that, I go into the bathroom to tinkle, look out my window and holy shit, everything is covered in snow, and it's like a blizzard out there. Where the hell did it come from? This unexpected snow storm caused major problems here in Colorado. In southern Colorado Springs, a tractor trailer jack-knifed which shut the interstate down there for hours. And north of town, heading towards Denver, they closed the Interstate because of a pile up. And I guess my biggest issue with it all is, once we thaw out and all the snow melts in my yard finally, we get smacked with another storm. Damnit. Go away already. I'm ready for Spring time.

Speaking of Spring time, I can't wait till Memorial Day. Why you ask? Because during Memorial Day weekend, they finally re-open the Mountain passes in the "high country" as the locals here call it. And so we are taking a little road trip in the mountains. It's gonna be beautiful. I just can NOT wait. I want to drive to Aspen or Vail or some nice expensive rich town like that. I don't wanna do anything, I just wanna drive and take tons of pictures and see the beautifulness.

Monday is my first official OB appointment. I'll be 12 weeks along, and hopefully on my out of this sick phase. I'll still be asking the doctor to give me some pills to make the nausea and sickness go away. And I swear, if they give me this bullshit like they did last time "Oh we don't just give out pills, you have to try to get better on your own first", well if they say that, I will sit there and not move and refuse to leave until they give in and give some damn pills. God I hate the military doctors. Assholes.

Time Wasted Today: Oh hell I don't know.....I actually haven't wasted my time today. Go me.

Pregnancy Issue: I'm mostly just worried about going to the OB next week. I hate those military doctors that try to save money and could care less if you're puking up every meal. Assholes.

Kailee's Quote of the Day: "Mom, I'm tired of school and ready to stay home again." Well, that was quick, she's only in Kindergarden.

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