Absolutely nothing interesting

On Friday, Mar. 02, 2007 @ 12:10 PM

Today's picture is great....I hope I don't offend anyone...enjoy this..........

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Today is Friday. I have absolutely nothing to talk about. The only thing remotely interesting I could talk about is the fact that the Husband invited a co-worker and his wife over to our house tonight. TONIGHT, and ON ONE DAY'S NOTICE.

I'm too nice I think. I should have said no, but that wouldn't be fair. The Husband is the bread winner of the house. He works and I sit at home sick all the time. Which is why this is a problem for me. I haven't felt like doing that serious housework you need to do every week. I haven't cleaned my toilet, or mopped the kitchen, or washed down the windows, or cleaned out the fridge in weeks. I have no energy to do that sort of housework. I do wash dishes and clothes, take out the trash, sweep and stuff of that nature. But the serious stuff. The stuff you do when you're gonna have company, I haven't done. And it's making me ill just thinking about it. I got started on it this morning. And I got so tired and sick to my stomach I had to stop for a while. The up side to this is that we're going out to eat first before they come over here. Good. I love eating out, means I don't have to cook and look at food.

That's another thing. This pregnancy is killing me. I don't like it. I mean I wish so badly that I could be one of those women that loves pregnancy, that's never sick, that has glowing skin. Yea, my skin doesn't glow. Instead I am breaking out all over my face, and I never got acne before. And the rest of my body, well my skin is so dry it feels like leather. And food. Food makes me sick. I can't stand to cook dinner. When I open the fridge, I get sick. When I start cooking the food, I get sick. I gag. I hate it. When I feel hunger pain, and I think "Well I better eat", I get sick. And I can't sleep at night. What the hell is up with that. With Kailee, I didn't have trouble sleeping until the end of the pregnancy. But this tmie around, I'm already unable to sleep. AND AND AND, I sleep for about 10 hours every night. If I don't get 10 hours of sleep, I'm dragging ass. And even with that 10 hours of sleep, I'm back ready for bed again around 8PM. God I'm pathetic.

I HATE complaining about this pregnancy. After all, we wanted this. We planned this. So I honestly have no right to complain at all. None. I feel like total shit for whining. So I'll just shut up.

And for those that inquired, no I didn't build the snowman from yesterday's entry. I found the picture online, thought it was halirious. That's all.

And here, I'm gonna do my Friday Five.

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
Sundays, because usually that is the day that the Husband and myself sleep in, and be lazy. And usually he expects me to do nothing and vise versa. I just love Sundays.

2. What was the best weekend of your life?
That's hard to say. I don't remember a particular weekend, just days that stand out. Like when I had my daughter. Married my Husband. Last year on our Anniversary we drove to Denver to see Tool and it was amazingly the best three days we had ever spent together.

3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
Usually the weekend before Christmas. I get all excited about wrapping presents, visiting family (if I'm back home), going around to gatherings and parties. Taking Kailee to see Santa and driving around looking at Christmas lights. I just love it.

4. Do you have any weekend routines?
Usually on Saturday we clean up house and do some laundry. We'll go out to eat here and there. Sundays are spent being lazy. But no, not a particular routine we follow.

5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.
I enjoy maybe going out to eat with friends and seeing a movie. Then coming back to the house and playing cards or something. That's pretty nice for me, I'm low key.

That'll do it for today. I'm off to finish cleaning up this horrid house. Have I mentioned I hate my house? I do. Anyhow, have a good weekend, see ya all on Monday.

Time Wasted Today: Sitting here on the computer, I need to finish cleaning my house.

Pregnancy Issue: I think I touched on enough in my entry. I won't cry anymore about it.

Kailee's Quote of the Day: "Mom, when I grow up, I'm gonna be a Fire Fighter and a Rock Star Singer, is that ok?" Sure honey, you be whatever you want.

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