Sneezy Day

On Monday, Mar. 05, 2007 @ 11:27 AM

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I just thought this was right for today. The temp is gonna be in the 50's which makes it feel like Spring, and you wanna get out your shorts and flip-flops. Or maybe that's just me that wants to get out the shorts and flip-flops because I'm so sick of winter. Anyhow, thought the picture was funny, thought you'd get a laugh. Hope you did.

So today is Monday, and I'm calling it sneezy day. I have been sneezing all morning these violent sneezes that last about 10 minutes each time and I feel that if something were in my nose, it was project out at the speed of a bullet leaving a gun. It's gross. Just more side effects of this wonderful pregnancy.

But hey! Today I get to go to the doctor, and bitch at them and ask them to fix all my problems! I'm so exctied. Today is actually my first ever real OB appointment. At 12 weeks. I think that's fucked up. They put you off till 12 weeks to see a doctor. Before the military, I just never heard of that. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to meeting the person that will pull this baby outta me. And I'm looking forward to demanding that this person give me drugs for my daily sickness. I'm so tired of feeling like shit everyday, and gagging for no reason. They will give me something for it. I will NOT leave with out it. Like a protest or something, I will sit there in the room until they give in. Hehehe.

And because today is Monday, and Kailee only has school from 11:00 till 1:30, she has to miss school. Because my appointment is at 1:00 and there is no way I can get back up here to pick her up in time, so she's getting out of it today. Which actually seemed to make her mad.

I had a dream that I was Skiing. Just "shooping" down the mountain in wonderous speed, enjoying every minute of the wind hitting my face. I really miss Skiing this season. Hopefully I'll get to go next season.

And also in the above said dream, I dreamt about my best friend's wedding. Weird thing. She had me in charge of everything. And she wanted 20 people to walk down the isle and stand up with her and her husband-to-be. 20 poeople, now that's a HUGE wedding party! It ended up being a nightmare as nobody would listen to what I was saying, and Amber just kept crying because it was ending up such a this led to my Skiing. She wanted to get out of it all, so we left and went Skiing.

Well folks, as you can tell from the above randomness, I have absolutely nothing great to talk about. That's all.

Time Wasted Today: Blowing my Nose.

Pregnancy Issue: Blowing my Nose.

Kailee's Quote of the Day: "Mom, I'm mad, I wanted to go to school today DANG-IT!" She already has such a teenager attitude. What to do with her?

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