Medication is Bliss

On Tuesday, Mar. 06, 2007 @ 7:21 AM

Here for all you Baseball fans.....I loved this...
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Ok, so it's 6:30 AM, and I'm sound asleep. Enjoying my Dreamland, when I hear "OH HELL NO". I quickly jump out of my sleep because that usually means a problem in my house, and sure enough it was a problem. I open my eyes to the Husband putting his uniform on, only he wasn't exactly putting it on, he was throwing it on the bed. I asked what the deal was and he said the Dry Cleaning place had screwed up his patches FOR THE THIRD TIME! He was cussing up a storm I tell you. He's very anal about his uniform, and he should be I guess they teach you to be. But damn. He got the whole house up. Usually Kailee and I don't wake until about 9 or 9:30. That's early for me...haha. But nope not this morning. We're both up, we have eaten, I have started a load of laundry and loaded the dishwasher. Now what will I do for the rest of the day? HAHA.

Ok so let's talk about yesterday. I had my first official OB appointment for this baby. The appointment was at 1:30 right? No. I get to the OB Clinic, and...

ME: Hi, I have an appointment at 1:30.

*Hands nurse my ID. Nurse takes it and looks in computer.*

Nurse: Umm...well...see.....your appointment was for 9:00.

ME: Um, no it wasn't, I have 1:30 right here.

Nurse: Um, ok let me make a call.

*I sit and wait...thinking LET THE GAMES BEGIN....

Nurse off Phone says to me: Ok...well, the OB nurses that set your appointment have 9:00 as well, so we're gonna have to reschedule and the earliest I can get you back in is on March 15th....

ME: CUTTING NURSE OFF - I SAY - UM NO! That will NOT work. You see I'm already 12 weeks pregnant, and have never seen an OB here. I've been to the ER TWICE. I am sick EVERYDAY, throwing up, unable to eat.....I'm not leaving until I see a doctor and get some medication for the sickness.

*And I turn away and sit my butt in a waiting chair, not even giving her a chance to respond. She goes off and comes back about 20 minutes later.*

Nurse: Ok, you can be seen at 3:00, but only for the nausea and vomitting, you're actual OB appointment will be on Thursday.


And then I waited. Till 3. At which point I had my blood pressure taken about 87 times. Laying down, standing up, on each side, upside down, hanging from the ceiling...

Come to find out, I was dehydrated....again. Good thing I pursued seeing the doctor. Each nurse that came in my room, I explained to them I was NOT LEAVING WITHOUT MEDICATION FOR THE SICKNESS. Each nurse said they understood, then proceeded to tell me what I could do at home to help it. And to each my reply was..."That's great, but I still want my medication."

So the doctor came in. OH wait no....NOT A DOCTOR, a Midwife. A Midwife is NOT a doctor. I learned that yesterday. She's some sort of special nurse. So ok...not really a problem, just give me my meds. But this woman was a real bitch. She acted so pissed off that she had to see me. She wasn't very pleasant, but I didn't care, I just kept asking, "Are you giving me medicine for the sickness." Finally she answered me and also informed me that because of the dehydration, I would be going over to what they call a "Care Clinic" to be hooked up to IV Fluids for 3 hours.....WTF???

And so I went. With Kailee too, poor girl. She was so bored, the backpack of goodies I packed for her to play with had long since been exhausted. But the Clinic was actually nice. Nice beds and recliners to sit in, with a TV at each little section. I had the whole place to myself actually, and was sitting in front of the pretty window with a nice view of the mountains. Kailee laid in my bed watching TV the whole time (Until the Husband arrived to get her), and I read my book and ate my snacks while I got pumped full of fluids. It wasn't half bad. The nurse was especially nice, considering the bitches I had already dealt with that day. Suffice to say, even though I ended up being in the hosptial till about 7:30 last night, it wasn't too terribly bad. I made it home in time to watch "Heroes"...hehehe..

Speaking of "Heroes", did you know there will not be another new episode until April 23rd?! WTF is up with that? Pisses me off.

AND, I did get my nasea medicince. Which I'm supposed to take up to 4 times a day and 30 minutes before each meal. This morning it's working so far. I hope it stays that way. I really would like to start feeling normal again.

So that'll do it. I've rambled enough. I didn't realize how long this entry was getting. SORRY. So I'm going to get my coffee that I can smell and is calling me's calling my name..."Amanda....come get me...come get my caffine know you wanna.......".....ok I'm going...BYE!

Time Wasted Today: Seriously? It's 7:30 AM, I haven't wasted ANY time if I'm awake.

Pregnancy Issue: I don't have one! I have medication!

Kailee's Quote of the Day: Mom, how can you hear the Baby's heartbeat with that small black thing, it was really close to your pee-pee too...that was just weird." AHHH, I'm SO waiting for "Where do babies come from" far I've been lucky, and we haven't had to go there.

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