Just a Wednesday

On Wednesday, Mar. 07, 2007 @ 12:26 PM

For all my cat-loving friends....I thought this was funny...

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So I don't really have a lot to say today. I know I start everyday out that way, but really today I don't have much to say.

It's beautiful outside, so when Kailee gets outta school, we're gonna take a walk around our block.

Right now until she gets outta school, I'm going to enjoy my solitude with Pogo. Today's Wednesday, so I'm off to do my badges.

That'll do it for now, I hope everyone enjoys thier day, I know I will with this fantastic weather!

Time Wasted Today: POGO!

Pregnancy Issue: I all of a sudden can't sleep at night. And that really burns my buns.

Kailee's Quote of the Day: "It's too sunny to go to school." Well she has a point, who wants to be cooped up in a classroom with wonderful weather outside!!

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