I Am So Pleased

On Friday, Mar. 09, 2007 @ 11:36 AM

Well I can say that I am very pleased. Yesterday's visit to the doctor went really well. Even though I felt like I had the world's worse hangover, it still went well.

I got there right on time. Checked in, and settled in the waiting room. I was NOT doing well. I was avoiding my gag reflex the entire time I was there. But I thought to myself, what a better time to be sick like this, while I'm at the doctor! Perfect. I ended up passing out in the waiting room, only to wake up to my name being called, AN HOUR LATER. This was my only complaint. I called the Husband real quick to have him pick Kailee up from school, there was no way I could make it.

The nurse was very attentive. She was concerned because when I got up from being asleep in the waiting room chair, I was quite light headed. So she did some checking on me to make sure I was ok. I was little deydrated, AGAIN. But not as bad as before. The doctor or Nurse-Midwife was actually great this time. She was very nice, and very concerned about the fact that my medication wasn't working to make me stop throwing up everyday.

Finally after tons of questions and answers and advice, she said she was putting me on some very good medicine to help. She more than guarenteed it would work. So I'm really hoping she's right. I have to say that I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief when I left the hospital yesterday. Before I was extrememely worried that I would be doomed to have cheap military doctors that less than cared. But this doctor (midwife) seemed to really give a damn. Thank goodness.

So in other news: Remember me mentioning a little band called "Tool", mine and the Husband's favorite band ever? Remember we bought tickets to a show of thiers in Alberqueque, and it got postponed due to the drummer having to have surgery. Well, the show has been rescheduled! YAY! It's for May 8th. This couldn't be better. I'll really be far out of the "feel like shit" phase of pregnancy by then. AND the better part about this is that they are coming here to Colorado Springs the VERY NEXT DAY! So we are gonna get to see them twice in a row. Yes, we sound like groupies, trust me, if we could be, we would be. Hands down. We LOVE this band, and they don't tour but maybe once every 5 years. So this is kick ass for us!

The Husband informed me the other day that he will be leaving in May for 2 weeks. 2 weeks is really no big deal at all. But once again, we'll be apart on my Birthday. Except for last year, every year before that, we've been apart on my Birthday. Oh well though, right before he leaves, we're going to see "Tool" back to back! That's enough Birthday for me, hell even Christmas too!

Alright well, that'll be all for today. I gotta get thy Kailee off to school. She's standing here begging me to leave early. I don't get this kid. One day she's excited about school, the next day she doesn't wanna go. She's a flip-flopper! HAHA!

Wasting Time: SHOPPING! YES, I'm going shopping today! WHOO!

Pregnancy Issue: Nothing really. Just hoping the gagging stops soon.

Kailee's Quote of the Day: "I need to get to school early so I can play with my friends...I REALLY NEED TO MOM!" Yes, this is something that is of dire necessity.

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