Dreaming Weird

On Tuesday, Mar. 13, 2007 @ 11:31 AM


I'm not sure what is going on. I feel so sluggish today. Like I am hungover from the world's best party night. I'm hoping this will pass. It's so beautiful outside. 70 degree weather, and sunny, and I'd love to go out and do some shopping or something. But I'm soooooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiicccccccccccckkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyy right now. Go away.

So I know I have said I have the weirdest dreams. I do. Last night I dreamt that I was back in High School. (In High School I was in Band, and the Drum Major for 2 years for marching band.) So anyhow, the band, we have this HUGE marching competition. I remember the place like I was just there yesterday. This was the biggest competition every year, and every year we held high hopes of winning it. My Senior year, of course we wanted to win it more than anything. So at this competition you have to perform once in the morning, and then if you qualified you got to perform again in the evening. Like the finals. In my dream, we're at the competition and we're about to perform. I'm the Drum Major, so I go to climb on my podium and the damn thing is broke. Now, only ONCE did I fall off that thing when I was in High School, once in 2 years. I wasn't hurt, I just slipped off the step. So it wasn't too bad. But I had a fear of it everytime I climbed up the thing after that. Anyhow back to my dream, the damn thing was broken, and I couldn't get it fixed. It was awful, the band is sitting there waiting for me to give them the go ahead and start, and I'm trying to fix my podium. The judges are telling me that I have 10 seconds to start, or we forefit. I can't get my podium to work, I can't find my band director, so I have no clue what I'm supposed to do. And the dream ends there. Would you say this was as suppressed fear I had back then that has just now come out of the closet? It totally has nothing to do with my life now.

And another dream. Of course this one is about the baby. I'm at my house, in labor, having contractions. So I drive myself to the hospital. The Husband is nowhere to be found. Nobody can find him. He's missing. So I lay there with Kailee at my side for hours waiting for the baby to come out. Nothing is happening. My contractions completely stopped too. So I leave the hospital. Just up and leave. Kailee and I go have some dinner, do some shopping, then come back. This time, my close to the door parking place is gone, and I have to walk forever to get inside. By the time I got inside I was having major contractions, so I was wheeled back up to my room, and Kailee kept trying to call the Husband on the phone. Still unable to find him I had the baby. THEN he walks in. And my Mom walks in, and my Grandparents, and a couple of my closest friends. Weird. This dream freaked me out. Obviously I'm worried about the Husband being gone or something when I actually have the baby. By the way, the sex was a boy in my dream. THIRD time I've dreamed the baby is a boy. Hmmmm.

And now for the last dream. Heard of MTV? Well I hate it. NEVER do I EVER watch it. BUT I guess in my dream I was a fan. And so was my best friend Amber. We decided to drive to New York City, and stand in line to try and see thier Music Award show thing. I kept saying this was stupid, she kept telling me to wait. Then there was a bunch of girls from Mt. Home that I knew in Idaho there. I didn't like them much when I was there (in real life), but I was always nice and polite to them. And RJ was there (a girl in Idaho I had some real drama with), and a few other people. When the night finally comes, they walk out and hand all of us front row seats. WOW! Guess Amber was right. When we get in this place, my Husband is sitting next to my seat. Apparently he wanted to go as well. And behind my seat was a bunch of people I went to High School with that I really did NOT like. When the show starts, Kailee all of a sudden appears there and is rocking out with us. THEN they push these buttons on the side of the stage and the seats all start moving. We get stuck up on the side at the very top, and I couldn't even see the whole stage. Then the dream ended.

I know, I'm strange. I probably need some sort of mental help. You don't have to say it.

Anyhow, back to real life, Kailee has been up since 7:00AM. Now usually I have to pry this girl out of the bed and she never wakes up before 9:00AM. But this morning she's been up since 7 on her own....says her stomach is bothering her. I'm a little worried.

But that's all I have time for today, gotta get her to school! Have a wonderful day, you lucky people that aren't pregnant and sick!! I envy all of you.

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