Four years and counting

On Monday, Mar. 19, 2007 @ 3:55 PM

Well. Weekend was pretty good. Long. Boring at times. But good.

I simply relaxed, and DID NOT clean! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm so evil.

Saturday we missed the St. Patty's parade. I had no idea where it was, and well I didn't feel like driving downtown and getting lost looking for it. Kailee didn't feel good anyhow, so we just relaxed. It was wonderful.

Saturday night we did have compnay, the same co-worker of the Husband's that came around last weekend. JK. He's very awesome to hang around. He'll make you laugh. I love that. The Husband always makes me laugh. I can't stand to be around dull people. With my Husband and JK, there was never a dull moment. It was fun. I got to know JK's wife a litte better too. She's pretty cool. We could be friends....maybe not joined at the hip close, but friends nonetheless.

Sunday I had a migrane all day. One of the lovely side effects of the nausea meds I'm taking. I'd rather have a headache than throw up all day. So I dealt with it. I sat my lazy butt on my computer most of the afternoon playing a game I paid for and downloaded. Holy crap is this game freaking addicting. I can't stop playing it.

You know something...I realized today that it's now been FOUR years since we went to war with Iraq. Holy shit. I have opinions on this war, but I think I'll just keep them to myself. The last thing I wanna do is offend someone, or start a huge political debate. But, I will say this. I feel terribly bad for those families that have lost loved ones over this. And for the wives whose husband are over there every 6 months. It just sucks to think of that. And with my Husband in the military, I have to know that I am lucky he's never been sent over there. It's possible, but so far we've been lucky. Thank goodness. I just don't know what I'd do if he lost his life over there. It would kill me.

Anyhow, I'm gonna get back to my game. But happy Monday to everyone....happy Monday, that's an oxymoron.

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