Some Peoples Children

On Wednesday, Mar. 21, 2007 @ 3:06 PM

Yea, sorry for the no entry yesterday. It was a long and busy day.

Here's how it went:

12:OO AM: Kailee's violent coughing woke me up. I calmed her down, dosed back to sleep...her coughing woke me back up. This went on well into the dawn hours. Hardly any sleep at all.

7:30 AM: I make her a doctor's appointment for this violent cough, and give her more medicine, and finally just put her in bed with me. That didn't work, so I ran the hot shower with the bathroom door shut, hoping to give her releif. It did a little.

9:00 AM: After only a few hours of good rest. She wakes up ready to start the day. Medicine finally kicking in, the cough went on hiatus. But her runny sneezy nose did not. So we kept the doctor's appointment just in case. I laid down for a nap, because I got hardly any good rest.

11:00 AM: I decide she's not going to school. The cough had returned, and she wasn't feeling too good. Better to be safe than sorry. We have a late breakfast, and I started getting ready for my day.

2:30 PM: We head out for the doctor's appointment. First time she had been seen in this particular ped. clinic, so I had a ton of paperwork to fill out for her. While waiting in the waiting room, this woman comes in with her two kids. One is an infant, one is 3 years old. I know this because the 3 year old proudly proclaimed it to my Kailee as if she was the only girl on the planet that was 3. Kailee simply replied with.."I'm 5 years old." As we're waiting to be called, more kids and thier parents come piling in, so the receptionist finally gets off her ass and turns on the TV. (I had asked if I could do this but she said I couldn't.) Anyhow, Kailee got all excited about the video playing, and the proud 3 year old's mother starts starting at my Kailee like she's a freak. She actually turned to her husband and said "that girl is weird". WTF? My Kailee is NOT weird. She was simply singing along to the video tape, and dancing. How does that make her weird? I was getting ill. Then, the best thing happened....that proud 3 year old whose mother was judging MY daughter...she pissed her pants! She turned to her Mother and said "Mom, I peed in my diaper." It was only funny to me because Number 1. that Mother was just judging my kid. Number 2. Karma came back and bit her in the ass. and Number 3. her daughter is THREE YEARS OLD and still wearing a diaper? At least put the child in pull-ups. I don't usually judge potty training problems with kids, but after that mother judged Kailee and called her weird, fuck it. She deserved it.

Moving on, we finally go into see the doctor. Doctor acted very weird towards me. I guess I pissed him off when I said I didn't want to put Kailee on antibiotics unless he was SURE she needed them. He said he wasn't like 20 times to me. He had no clue really what she had. Could be a sinus infection or a virus. Ok. Well just give me the perscription so we can go, because it seems to me that none of these military doctors around here hav a clue how to stick thier fingers up thier ass. So we left.

3:30 PM: Kailee was feeling pretty good, so we went to the BX and had some pizza. They have the best pizza there.

4:00 PM: We're at Wal-greens, waiting on her and the Husband's medications. The base pharmacy was out of both thier medicines. Not suprising. So we were waiting, and this obnoxious little boy kept annoying Kailee. He had these shoes on wheels (I HATE THEM!)...and he kept saying "I got them for Christmas, they are expensive, they cost 4 HUNDREEEEEED Dollars". Then he said, "I have my own TV too in my room, it was EXPENSIVE..." Then he says "We have an XBOX 360, it was EXPENSIVE, it cost 4 HUUUUNDREEED dollars..."

Kailee simply replies with..."Yea, we have an XBOX 360 too, AND a Nintendo Wii, and they both were REEEEAALLLY expensive, now please leave me alone."

HA! I cracked up! But at the same time, I was SO MUCH bothered by how money already ran this kid's life. Seriously, what sort of lesson was that kid's parents teaching him. He already thinks material things are what matters most, and he's only 5 years old. Sometimes, I see kids like that, and compare my Kailee. I know it's not right to do, but I do, and when I do, I think to myself that I must be doing something right.

5:15 PM: FINALLY....we're home. And all I did all night was appreciate what a sweet child my daughter is.

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