How to talk to Strangers

On Friday, Mar. 30, 2007 @ 4:16 PM

Since my last entry, things are going a little bit better with me, this pregnancy, and my sickness. I want to thank the people that so kindly gave me advice and encouragement. It really helps when people show that they care.

About that medication...there was a question...the medicine is really expensive. So expensive in fact that the military will only pay for 15 pills per 30 days. Other than that, all my medications are covered by Tri-care (our military insurance). I've wanted to ask the doctor for more pills and I'll just pay for them myself, but I found out that they are 16 bucks a pill. Hmmmm...don't think I can swing it. So I'm holding out till my 30 days is up and I can get more.

Now, for a little review of my week. I have to say it's been pretty nice. Kailee's been on Spring Break. And to her this meant it was time to pack up and head to the beach to party! The way she talked about Spring Break was halirious! Especially for a 5 year old. But she knew it was her time off from school, so I knew I had to make it special.

Tuesday was spent resting. We cleaned house, watched movies, and just relaxed. Something I needed badly. Wednesday I had planned to take her to "Pump it Up", which is a huge indoor playground. But, they have these huge blow up climbing things to play on. There was a slide, a jumper, an obsticle course. It was neat. But when we arrived on Wednesday to "Pump it Up", the place was closed for a private party. They have the weirdest hours. So instead we headed out shopping. It't time for me to buy maternity clothes. UGH. Shopping for clothes is NOT something I like doing. But I needed it. And Kailee was excited to be helping Mommie pick out new things. I went to SEVEN stores before I found anything that was stylish and that fit. I ended up with a pair of jeans and three shirts to get me started. Not too bad. Kailee got two new outfits that I let her pick out herself. Something she doesn't normally do b/c most of my family ends up sending her tons of clothes. But she was excited to pick out her own stuff.

We ended up at the mall, so I decided on dinner there. And after that Kailee enjoyed looking in the petshop. I thought the sales person was gonna force me to buy a puppy....he had Kailee going so badly on one. I was pissed. They target our kids on purpose. THEY KNOW it's our soft spots. Assholes. But thank goodness, I left without a new puppy in tow. Whew.

Thursday was awesome. Pump it Up was so much fun for Kailee and myself. She got me on the damn things, you should have seen this pregnant lady climbing these huge toys. I got to talking with another military Mom there. Usually I stick to myself at these sort of things. I'm not your typical "Mini-Van-Soccer-Mollie-Homemaker-Mom", and usually those types of women look at me strangly like I'm an outcast. So I settled in a corner with my book while Kailee played but was joined by another young Mom that started chatting with me. It ended up being real nice, and I enjoyed our conversation. She was knew to the miltary, and was seeking advice. I did the best I could. I'm sort of oddly not into the whole "military wife" life. Goes with I'm not your typical soccer Mom. And I don't agree with the path that the Air Force is on either. Nor do I agree with a lot of things the military does. (Hey, I'm a liberal person) But, I did try to tell her about military life as well and non-bias as I could. I hope I didn't offend her. But seriously, when she sat down beside me, the opening of the conversation was "So is that book good?"....that book is Bill Clinton's autobiography. Sorta lets the cat outta the bag if ya know what I mean.

That brings me to another thing. I have come to LOVE autobiographies lately. Bill Clinton's started it. My Mom sent me his first book on the years before he was president. It was great, now I'm dead into the years he was in office. I just love how he is true to his roots and credits EVERYONE you could imagine down to the lady that sold him coffee in college for getting him to the White House. And he's so honest. That's hard to find in politicians these days. I have just really enjoyed reading about Clinton's life. And so I'm obsessed with biographies right now. I want to go to the book store and find more people to read about. So if you have any suggestions, drop them in my suggestion box would ya?

OK wrapping up, yesterday (Thursday) we headed to lunch at Chick-fi-la. YUM-MY. I've been turned off to chicken, but for some reason, I LOVE Chick-fi-la. And especially their lemonade. Drinking a huge cup right now. HAHA! I let Kailee play in the playground thing for like an hour, which led to me getting into a political discussion with a man there with his daughter. He seen my book, and asked me if I liked it. Ever wanna start up a good conversation with strangers? Just read a book about a politician. That'll do it. Anyhow, turns out this man is a liberal republican supporting Jullani for president. He was nice. Said he no longer believe Bush did us right. (**cough cough DUH cough cough**) And supprisingly enough, he said if McCain got the bid for president, then he was voting Democratic. Well, now then.

So after that we headed home. And today it has been laundry day, and getting ready for company. The Husband is off work, so he's out with K at a movie. He's really made an effort to do some one on one stuff with her. I'm so thankful for that. She needs it right now. With me sick a lot, she loses the one on one that I give her constantly, and I know she's getting so tired of this pregnancy.

SO that was my week in a nutshell. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

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