Go Boss Someone Else

On Thursday, May. 17, 2007 @ 3:29 PM

Top of the morning to all. HA. I know it's not morning, I'm just exhausted, and I literally just woke up from a nap! Doesn't seem that everytime I start an entry, I say that I'm exhausted? Ahhh, pregnancy.

In all honesty, pregnancy is starting to treat me nice. If I could get past the exhaustion, I'd be the happiest pregnant woman in the world. I'm no longer sick everyday, and dehydrated. And I have a big appetite nowadays. My current craving is Butterfingers and Beef Jerky. Ok NOT together. But I crave both all day. And I eat both off and on all day. Another thing I like is Bologna. Which I find extremely funny because I don't even really like Bologna. AND all other sandwhich meat makes me wanna yack. But I'll eat the worst sandwich meat out there, Bologna. I find it funny.

Moving on.....the obnoxious neighbor is at it again. I'm starting to wonder if this man wasn't the one that egged our cars back in March. He's just extremely weird.

Back in March, on St. Patrick's Day, he asked me if I wanted to have a drink with him. Him and his buddy were sitting outside with beers. I was like thanks but no thanks, I'm pregnant. Then back in early April, he started bugging us about our lawn. And the bugging hasn't stopped.

At first it was a nice offer to let us borrow his sprinkler if we didn't have one. The Husband explained yes we had many. Then it was "Do you guys have a Lawnmower, cuz you need to start mowing?" HUH? Who the hell are you? This is something I just can't stand.

He stopped the Husband at least once a week asking him about this. Then he'd stop me. I simply kept telling him that we were borrowing our friend's mower because we didn't have one. Seriously though, if it was that big a deal to him, you'd think he would have offered to let us borrow his. Last week, he stopped me asked me if we were gonna remove the dead bushes from our yard. I told him we weren't allowed to on account of the landlord saying so. I have no idea if the landlord would care or not, but at least that got him to shut up about the shit. And then again this morning, he stopped me, asking me if we bought a mower yet. When I said no, he said then how you gonna mow this week. I simply said "We'll figure something out." And walked off.

Seriously, the man needs to get a full time job. I know he's retired military, and right now he works part time for the Air Force inspecting housing. When I found that out, it all made sense. But it still pisses me off. Why is he bugging the hell outta us? We don't live on base, and he's not my Daddy. So back off!!! If we were older, he wouldn't be trying to boss us around like that.

Moving on.....Kailee had her field day today at school, and the Husband rounded up volunteers from his work to help out. JK and his wife came, and another young guy came. Then of course myself and the Husband went. It was nice and fun I guess. But it was like organized chaos. More like unorganized chaos a little. And the games were sorta sad. There wasn't any of the stuff we had when I was a kid. And it only Kindergarden instead of the whole school. And it was only this morning. It didn't even go until the afternoon. I remember Feild Day being an all day affair, and we ate lunch outside, and everyone always left exhausted and sunburnt, and it was the whole school! I guess things are just different and I need to come to terms with that. But you always wish for your kid the same things you had when you were younger...ya know.

So guess that'll do it for today. Now that I've had my nap, I'm gonna go be productive around the house. Before I go.....I have a friend on here Blue Opal. Some of you know her, some of you don't. But her Father just passed, and the funeral was today, and I'm sure she's having a hard time. So go and give her vitural hugs. I'm sure she'd appreciate it!


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