Turning a Quarter of a Century

On Friday, May. 18, 2007 @ 10:04 AM

Monday is my Birthday. I'm not looking forward it really.

I'll be 25. And to me this was a scary age when I was younger. Turning 25 in my head was like getting too old. It's really close to 30 and it's HALFWAY TO 50! When I was younger, the thought of that made me wanna scream.

For some reason, I always thought 25 was a pivital age in my life where everything would change. I have no idea what life changing event was supposed to take place, I just knew it would happen at age 25.

I also thought age 25 was the age where I would have my first child. HA! I'll be having my second this year.
I thought that by age 25 I'd be settled in my weather career. I get a big fat FAIL on that one. As I haven't even started school for it.
And then I remember the days when my MOTHER WAS 25! That is NO JOKE. I remember her 25th Birthday. And I thought she was "old".

But turning 25 holds one good thing at least. I can now rent a car ON MY OWN! OMG! Cheers on that one! I can't believe it. (I hope you caught that sarcasim.)

Anyhow moving on......I have a little bit of quick drama.

My best friend Amber. I've talked about her before. Known her for years, and there has been ups and downs and shit. But we're closer than ever now. Last year she moved to New York. It's hard knowing now that when I go home for visits she won't be there. It's even harder NOT knowing when I'll even see her again. But anyhow this isn't about that.

Last weekend, ON MOTHER'S DAY.......her fiancee threw her out of thier house. See, she has two kids, and he has two kids. So together they have 4. Instead of her working, she stays at home with them. Makes sense to me, after working she'd just be paying daycare. But anyhow, I guess they had been arguing over something petty the night before. And when they got up the next day, he was still pissed. Well apparently her son, who is 5, was being a little bit of a hellion. Which kids can do ya know. Even my sweet little Kailee can be a hellion. But anyhow, he was smarting off to Amber's fiancee, and she says he just snapped. He told the 5 year old to leave him alone and he just wouldn't leave him alone. So her fiancee fucking calls the police! Seriously I'm not kidding. He called the police and told them to make Amber and her TWO CHILDREN leave the house. Now, Amber's name isn't on the lease yet, so Amber had not a leg to stand on.

Well I finally talked to her today to see if everything was ok...and she says they are talking and trying to work things out. She's staying with her Mother for a while, and trying to get her own job and stuff.

As much as I love Amber, her problems go way beyond a boyfriend that treats her badly. She is almost 28 years old, and can't really take care of herself and the kids. And as long as I've known her, she's never had a relationship that didn't end in some kind of disaster with the police getting involved. I know she had a really rough childhood, that problably stems some of her trust issues with men. But at this point, I wanna tell her so badly to stop dealing with men, get a job, get counsiling, and be able to stand on your own. Then deal with men.

I know I have no room to talk. Honestly if something were to happen with The Husband and me, I'd have not much to stand on either. Nothing we own is in my name. I have horrible credit. And no job or money of my own. The only thing that I'd be able to count on is the Air Force will help me get re-located. And the fact that we're married, does legally give me some rights. But not many. So I'm not really the one to say "quit listening to him, and get your own job.", but that's what I wanna say. And that's what she needs. That and counsiling.

Anyhow, any advice on how to approach this with her? I don't want to hurt her feelings. I don't want to poke my nose where it doesn't belong. But at the same time, I feel like I'm being a BAD friend if I hold my tongue and let her think that this is an ok way to live. So I feel obligated to say something, but I just don't know what or how.

Ok so I better get off here and get Kailee ready for school, and some laundry done around this house. Seriously, I'm so awful when it comes to laundry. If I EVER manage to get it all done, then I won't touch it again for another week. Then I'm left washing a mountain of dirty cloths in one day. But I can't stand folding them, so I'll just pile them in baskets and let them sit there. I just hate doing clothes. Mostly because once I'm done, Kailee and THe Husband usually undo all my hard work. So what's the point right?

Ok well have a good weekend.

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